Triple Riding is director Srimahesh Gowda’s second movie. The director, this time, has entered the arena with the sole intention of entertaining the audience. In the following discussion TFW will review the comedy-drama film ‘ Triple Riding ‘.The movie has been released in theatres on 25 th November 2022
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Triple Riding Movie Review:
Triple Riding is out and out a comedy. Love stories are shown alongside hilarious laughter. Ganesh is all in all in the movie but the heroines play a different roles. Eventually, they merge and cause trouble. The trailer of the movie already indicated such elements. In all scenes of the movie, the audience is bound to laugh.
Triple Riding Movie Review – Character portrayal:
The ‘golden star ‘ is the key player in the movie. Besides, artists like Sadhu Kokila, Rangayana Rahu, and Kuri Pratap have provided decent support. Had the director written the script of the movie more subtly, it would have been more jolly and entertaining.
Sadhu Kokila seems to be the highlight of the movie. He entertains the audience in the most natural way possible. Ravi Shankar who seemed serious in the beginning ended up as a laughing stock. Above all, the other actors have done their job perfectly well.
Triple Riding Movie Review – Music & Songs :
Dialogues and background music are innovative. The songs are fairly good.
Triple Riding Movie Wiki:
Cast: Ganesh, Megha Shetty
Release date: 25 November 2022
Director: Srimahesh Gowda
Cinematographer: Jai Anand
Music: Sai Karthik
Producer: YM Ram Gopal
Dance Choreography: Dhananjay
TFW gives the movie 3 out of 5 stars