Rajeshwari Vilas Coffee Club (2022) is an upcoming Telugu language romantic drama Indian Television Serial. This Television Serial features Akarsh Byramudi and Likitha Murthy in the lead role. The serial is scheduled to be premiered on Zee Telugu on 19 December 2022.
Rajeshwari Vilas Coffee Club (Zee Telugu ) Serial Cast :
The entire cast of Rajeshwari Vilas Coffee Club is as follows:
- Akarsh Byramud — Role
- Likitha Murthy — Role
- Ganesh Reddy — Role
- Muppavarapu Srinivase Rao – Role –
Rajeshwari Vilas Coffee Club (Zee Telugu) serial Time:
Rajeswari Vilas Coffee Club will get telecasted on Zee Telugu every Monday to Saturday at 2 p.m. The popular OTT platform Zee 5 will also telecast the show.
Rajeswari Vilas Coffee Club (Zee Telugu) Wiki:
- Serial Name: Rajeshwari Vilas Coffee Club
- Lead Roles: Akarsh Byramudi, Likitha Murthy.
- Genre :- Romantic Drama
- Director:- Unavailable
- Producer:- Unavailable
- Editor:- Unavailable
- DoP:- Unavailable
Production House /Houses:- Unavailable