Rafta Rafta is an upcoming Indian Hindi language comedy drama Web – series. The series features Bhuvan Ban and Srishti Ganguly Rindani in the lead role.
The series is jointly created by Abhas Dalal and Hussain Dalal and it is directed by Vishal Gupta. Bhubvan Bam produced the series in collaboration with Rohit Raj. In addition to this, the series is produced under the banner of BB KI VINES. Above all, the series is set to release on January 25, 2023.
Rafta Rafta (Amazon Mini TV) web series Cast :
The complete cast of the web series Rafta Rafta is as follows:
Bhuvan Ban – Role – Karan
Srishti Ganguly Rindani – Role – Nithy
Rafta Rafta (Amazon Mini TV) Web series Story :
The series narrates the story of two opposite sex (Male and female) and raises the question if they are truly attracted to each other.
Rafta Rafta (Amazon Mini TV) Wiki :
- Streaming platform: Amazon Mini TV
- Genre: Comedy Drama
- Creators: Abbas Dalal and Hussain Dalal
- Director : Vishal Gupta
- Producers: Bhubvan Bam and Rohit Raj
- Language: Hindi
Country: India