Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
New SRK Photos! Because He Loves Us

These are a bit of the “eat a sandwich!” variety. Not as much as Hrithik photos, but still, he could afford to fatten himself up a bit.

SRK was in Italy and he did a very Italian photo shoot. At least it feels Italian to me, all black and white and sultry and stuff.

In other “me” news, my nephews were in town again for a few days which took up all my time and exhausted me (thus no posting). Why don’t little kids want to EAT? We had to do all these elaborate mind games, leaving food out but not looking at it directly, trying to guess what they would actually consume, and with the 2 year old, actually shoving it in his mouth before he could turn away so he would realize he was hungry. Even though they didn’t seem to eat anything, somehow there is peanut butter everywhere. Also, 2 year olds are very cute when they say “Auntie!” and 5 year olds are very interesting when they try to lie and are terrible at it (“did you throw away your trash?” “Yes” “Did you really?” “No”).

And I’m still looking for a job, although I’ve now reached the point where I’m putting in my notice at my current job whether or not I have something new lined up. So that’s fun and not stressful at all! (sarcasm)

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