Meyebela (মেয়ে বেলা) Is an upcoming Indian Bengali language drama TV serial. The serial features Swikriti Majumder, Arpan Ghoshal, Chitra Sen, Biplab Banerjee, Shreya Bhattacharya, Shaon Chakraborty, and Rupa Ganguly in various roles. What is more, the show is made under the banner of SVF Productions.
Table of Contents
Meyebela (মেয়ে বেলা) (Star Jalsha )Serial Cast :
The entire star cast of the Serial Meyebela is as follows-
- Rupa Ganguly – Role – Vithika Mitra
- Swikriti Majumder
- Arpan Ghoshal
- Chitra Sen
- Biplab Banerjee
- Shreya Bhattacharya
- Shaon Chakraborty
Meyebela (মেয়ে বেলা) (Star Jalsha) Serial Story:
The entire Indian society blames women stating the fact that they are their own arch enemy but in this serial, a different tale is told dramatically.
Meyebela (মেয়ে বেলা) (Star Jalsha )Release Date :
On December 16, 2022, Star Jalsha released its promo and now it is set to release on the same channel on January 2, 2023, at 6:30 pm.
Meyebela (মেয়ে বেলা) Serial( Star Jalsha) Wiki :
- Genre: Drama
- Directed By: Unavailable
- Produced By: Unavailable
- production House: SVF Productions
- Show Time: Every day at 6:30 pm.
- Run Time: 20-25 minutes
- Language – Bengali
- Country: India