Bhul Chuk Maaf is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language romantic drama film. The film is getting produced by Jio Studio. On April 12, 2023, the announcement of the film was first heard at the Jio Convention. In addition to this, Jio Studios has also announced to produce more than 100 web series and movies in near future. There is speculation that Shraddha Kapoor and Kartik Aaryan will appear in the lead role in the movie.
Although Kartik Aaryan denied the claim, Shraddha Kapoor’s appearance is confirmed.
Bhul Chuk Maaf (2023) Movie Cast
Given below is the complete cast of the film Bhul Chuk Maaf:
- Shraddha Kapoor
Bhul Chuk Maaf (2023) Movie Wiki:
- Title: Bhul Chuk Maaf
- Genre: Romance Drama
- Director: Not Available
- Producer: Not Available
- Story and Screenplay: Not Available
- Editor: Not Available
- DoP: Not Available
- Production House: Jio Studio