ATM is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language Web Series. The web Series features Roiel Shree, Ravi Raj, Krishna Burgula, Divi Vadthya, VJ Sunny, Harshika, and Subba Raju in different roles. On top of that, the web series is set to release exclusively on ZEE 5 on January 20, 2023.
ATM ZEE 5 Web Series Cast:
Given below is the entire star cast of the web series ATM:-
- Roiel Shree
- Ravi Raj
- Krishna Burgula
- Divi Vadthya
- VJ Sunny
- Harshika
- Subba Raju
ATM ZEE 5 Web Series Wiki:
- Streaming Platform: ZEE 5
- Language: Telugu
- Releasing On: January 20, 2023
- Genre: Drama
- Country: India