Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
animal, communicate, understand, approach, animal friend

They always say that animals are our best friends. But it’s important to understand that unlike us humans they don’t speak the same language. So, it can get tricky to understand what exactly they want and how to not get them mad at us. After all, if they are your friends you would want them to be happy with you right? You wouldn’t want them to be angry with you or sad with you. So let’s learn a little bit more about how we can truly make them more comfortable.

Animals & Humans: Same Same But Different

Before we try to understand how to communicate with animals better, it’s important to understand the fact that just like us, animals are also creatures that deserve to be treated with respect. Just like you and your friends are not exactly the same but do differ in certain ways, depending on what you like and dislike and what you look like, animals differ from you in that very same way. It’s important to understand that even though they are different in terms of what they like look or eat, they still deserve the same amount of respect and love that you show your friend or sibling. But what you need to keep in mind is how to approach them as their differences from us make it important that we take an extra step to understand them and make the interaction better for both of us.

Normally when it comes to our friends we tend to talk or draw to communicate with them and let them know what we are feeling. But when it comes to animals, it’s important to understand that they did not grow up watching the same cartoons we did or hearing the same phrases. These cartoons and phrases that we hear others speak regularly help form our point of reference, which basically means a thing or idea that we go back to when we can’t understand something in hopes that the idea that we already have in our mind will help us understand the new thing better. For example, take the case of potato chips. We find a variety of them in the market today. When you pick up a new packet of potato chips from an unknown brand you still have an idea about how it will taste like. This is because you are familiar with the way potato chips taste. But in your place, if an alpaca picks up a potato chip packet be it from an unknown or known brand they won’t know what it tastes like because they have never had potato chips before. This is where the point of reference comes into play. Sure, there are some things that both you and your animal friends know about and share that point of reference such as trees, flowers, etc. But there are still many things that they don’t know about you and your life, so you need to be patient when you are communicating.

Animal & Humans: How To Communicate?

Now here are a few things you need to remember when you are trying to communicate with animals:

  • Be respectful and gentle:

How would you like it if your friend or anyone just came and tapped you on your head? Or what if they just pulled your hair while you were doing your homework? It doesn’t feel good, does it? Well, the same goes for your animal friend. No matter how furry, squishy and cute they may look it’s important to understand that they may not always be happy about you pulling their hair or squishing them. Sure, you may not mean any harm but just like you don’t like to be unnecessarily bothered sometimes they don’t like it too. And being mean or teasing them or hitting them is a big no-no. Why? Ask yourself, if you were there in their place would you like it if the same was done to you? If not, then how can somebody else like it? 

  • Understand how to approach them:

Not everyone would like to be touched or petted when you approach them. Hence it’s important to be careful when you approach your animal friend. Just like some of your friends prefer hugs but some don’t, similarly, some animal friends may be okay with you greeting them with a hug and some not so much. It all depends on how one like to communicate. Hence, to be safe let them approach you and be calm rather than being too excited. Let them take their time to get to know you.

  • Give them some space:

It’s important to understand that just like some days are good and bad for you, the same goes for them. So, be careful when you approach them especially if they are eating or are scared. This is because just like you don’t like to be bothered when you are eating they also don’t like the same. Plus, just like when you are scared sometimes you scream or shout without meaning to hurt anyone, your animal friend might do the same but you may interpret their shouting as them being mad at you, so it’s best to give them some space to get comfortable and feel better.

  • Not every animal is the same:

Just because you have been familiar with dogs or cats because you have one at home, does not mean all dogs and cats are similar. It’s important to understand that each animal even though they may be from the same breed differ from each other. Just like one of your friends may love to chat and talk and another doesn’t, similarly, your dog may be very nice and friendly but your neighbour’s may not be so. So, you must give them the space they need to be themselves and approach them accordingly. If they have an owner or someone who visits them frequently listen to their advice as to how to approach that particular animal friend as they have spent more time with that friend than you.

This is a tiny guide that is meant to start your communication with your animal friends in a way that is more fun for both you and your animal friend. The main thing to remember is that it will take time and hence being patient and calm is the key. We know it’s not always possible to be calm and patient and that’s when you go back to your room and relax for a bit. And when you are calm, approach your animal friend once again. 

The post How To Approach Animals? appeared first on The Talented Indian.

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